Neven Ilic

Thomas Bach pulls a George Washington -- he is not IOC king after all but president

Thomas Bach pulls a George Washington -- he is not IOC king after all but president

PARIS – As most everyone knows, George Washington is the first president of the United States of America.

One of the stories American schoolkids learn about Washington is how he decided to stop being president at the end of his second four-year term. The new country had broken away from Britain. There they had a king. The king is king until he dies. In this new country, Washington said, things were going to be different.

In 21st century jargon, we would call what Washington did an expression of best practices and world-class governance.

Speaking Saturday before the fuil membership of the International Olympic Committee, president Thomas Bach, nearing the end of his second term, pulled a George Washington. He said he would step down next year, at the end of his mandated 12 years.