Roscoe Hill

Script it, fight club: American baptized by George Foreman vs. Refugee foe born in Iran

Script it, fight club: American baptized by George Foreman vs. Refugee foe born in Iran

PARIS – In the blue corner, representing the United States, from Spring, Texas, ladies and gentlemen, Roscoe Hill, dancing with orange shoes, baptized – why should you believe it because everything in boxing is 100% true but this really is – by George Foreman himself.

In the red corner, in lime-green shoes, representing the Refugee Olympic Team, Omid Ahmadisafa, a product of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a world champion in 2017 in kickboxing – not boxing, kickboxing – who three years later, while competing in Italy, sought asylum was invited to train with the German national team in Cologne.

And here we were, the rain having finally cleared outside, the stands maybe half full, perhaps 25 reporters from around the world here inside Arena Paris Nord, to take in this first-round men’s under 51-kilogram fight.

You couldn’t make it up if you tried. Script this, fight club, if you dare.